
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Promised Photo Scatter Bomb –1st Strike

I know we promised to post pics from camp long, long ago.  I know.  We were in recovery mode for a while and I just now got the gumption to do it. 

Pam is on vacation at the beach. 
(Pam, I’m so jealous.  But I’m hoping you have a great, storm & jellyfish free week.)

So without further ado…here is the best week ever, part 1.


  Here is our room.  We had the best “cabin” on the campground.  Notice the camp chairs and the side table in the bottom left corner.  That was Command Central.  We barked a lot of orders from those chairs.  198

That is our “kitchen.”  I could not foresee an entire week without decent coffee with caramel syrup.  I think I converted Pam to the Caramel Philosophy.  You should join us.  It’s a sweet, smooth way of life.


Here Pam is being the model Cabin Leader.  I was just the Assistant CL.  Liv said that wasn’t even work.  I’ll admit it was mostly fun, but there was some work involved.  And a LOT of walking.  We decided to be Co-Cabin Leaders.  It worked out well.


I have this nasty habit of taking unflattering pics of Pam.  Mostly late at night.  So here’s one.  We had to out-last the girls.  So we tried to talk quietly and laugh quietly (very difficult) while they were settling down.

212 I think this was the first day.  Josie & Livy got tangled up and Josie took a spill.  She was a trooper.  But from that moment on we yelled “Don’t run in flip-flops!” at nearly every kid on the campground.


To protect innocent children from the dangers of the interweb, we asked them to don the pantyhose mask. 

This was one of the games.  They had to try to break the water balloon down there at the sandal foot portion of the pantyhose.


226 (2)

These two handsome devils are members of the Camp TV crew.  They also happen to be from our church.  (I still claim it as my church, even though we moved several months ago.)

They did the most amazing CTV ever.  Here’s Camp Care 101.  It’s totally worth a watch.  I should say that Jacob Dunn is also behind the scenes producer/editor/whatever-they-do-to make- great-video.  No photos of him though.  He was stuck in the editing dungeon all day. 

277  This is the answer to my unflattering pics of Pam. Here I am in all my glory.  About to do a belly flop.


This is the flop.  I went in at an angle.  Luckily the judges were in front of me.  I maxed out points for my two flops.  I’m very proud.  I also felt like I had just had my first mammogram.289

I want you to notice our daughters.  They were the only two refusing to participate in this game.  Like good cabin leaders, we made them.  They sure suffered and took one for the team.


This is Liv eating watermelon. 

293And another camper.  Same watermelon.

294 That was the game.  We laugh in the face of swine flu at this camp.


Davy and me.  He was working the pit.  A mud pit.  See the golden glow on his arm?  That’s not a tan.  333

There’s the pit.  That day we had to play tug of war.  349

This is us trying to look mean/strong.  I did say trying.


We got 20,000 extra points for laying down in the pit.  This is our po’ version of a spa treatment.  (I only post this pic with the proviso that absolutely no African semi-aquatic herbivores are referenced in the comments.)


This is Lu with splotches of mud.  I never did get those stains out.  Any ideas?


This is the slip-n-slide.  This is a staple at camp.  Gotta have it.


Here are the camp nurses.  The best nurses come and give a week or 4 to camp.  You guys rock!

Well, that was the first half.  Expect one more strike tomorrow. 

Dangit.  There goes the element of surprise.

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