What I hope my basement looks like some day. |
I'm making all of these plans. I hope to move my office down there eventually.
I'll explain my maddness.
The floor joists above are exposed, and they're that lovely honey color, so that's represented at the top.
I have several gallons of reject paint from lowes ($5 baby!!!) that are different shades of blue and green. I'm planning on painting each wall a different color. I may even mix them, a la House Invaders.
Side note. That is a BBC show, where a designer comes over, uses stuff you have, mixes the paint you already own, and slaps it on anything not moving, to create a new look. Great stuff, that.
Where was I?
Oh. Imagine that shelf full of fabric, and inspiration all over the walls.
I want an L shaped work space, so I don't have to roll very far. Cause rolling requires effort, right?
We have concrete floors, that have never been sealed, I'm pretty sure. I want to do a semi-transparent stain on them and seal those babies to a high sheen.
High Sheen! Haha!!! Get it? Winning!
Oh, I kill me.
Now, this is just planning phase. It will take mucho elbow grease and some dough to get all of the supplies. So this may not happen for a few months. But a girl can dream, can't she?
Supplies!!! Speaking of supplies, although this one isn't related at all to this project, I had a dream come true today!
Remember how I can't post pics until I get my laptop back? Well, there's almost always a way around. I tweeted one from my phone, so I can retrieve it for you kind folks.
Back to the dreamy dream.
We had a $50 giftcard to Lowes, and I had a 10% off coupon (that was expired, but they honored it!!!) Yes, it's the least expensive one, but I'm a beginner. So it works out. : )
I'm beyond thrilled.
I'll be setting her up in a different part of the basement. She looks female, doesn't she? She's certainly pretty.
She needs a name. Maybe Lizzy? Too gruesome?
Help a girl out. Got any good suggestions to name my new favorite play thing?