
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Direct Hits {A Little More Serious Sunday}

Since I do love unnecessary reading, ie. Regency Romances, I sometimes have to work a little harder to counteract all that nonsense. In addition to my daily devotions,  several times a week I do a lesson in a Beth Moore bible study workbook.  

I think they’re designed to take like six to nine weeks if you do five lessons a week, so it takes me about three to six months to get through one.  I finished The Help in 24 hours but it takes me 90 days to do a bible study.  I am not proud, only honest.  Anyway, I finished the Esther workbook back in the summer.  And now I’m working on Breaking Free.  Mrs. Moore is awesome.  

What amazes me most is that no matter the day, time, season I’m doing a lesson, it hits me exactly on target.  

Last Thursday, the lesson was on being in God’s will.  Beth says we often ask God to bless whatever we’re doing.  Basically saying, “Hey God, here’s what I WILL be doing today, so if you could show up and bless it, that’d be awesome.”  Direct hit. 

My standard morning family prayer goes something like this (okay exactly like this) “bless daddy at work, bless mommy at home/work and school, please bless Josh, Jared, Josie, and Jill at school...”  And while I know those places we’re going are not optional, I CAN choose to change my prayer.  Giving our day to God and asking Him to lead us and direct us in all things.  Above all those blessings, please help us to hear His voice and, even more help us have the courage to obey.

Beth gave these verses Jeremiah 29:11-13 as reference.  Don’t just focus on the very popular v. 11, make sure you spend some time on 12 and 13, too.  I was so inspired we had an impromptu family devotion on Thursday after dinner so I could share my revelation.  Where my eldest interrupted me because he wanted to also include v. 10.  Which I said, yeah, but that’s just about the prophecy (yes, I did say it in a snotty tone), and he says to me but mom, it’s all about the TIME it sometimes takes before those plans are revealed. 

Another direct hit.  So I humbly suggest you read v. 10-13.

Thanks Beth Moore...and Josh.


This is Day 7 in our 31 days series (okay, we may or not make it a full consecutive 31 days, but it's technically Day 7).

You can check out our other posts here:

Day 1 - Jen
Day 1 - Pam
Day 2 
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6

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