
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ode to my iphone

I love you.
I love having a smart phone.
I love not having a home phone.
(It's how we justify the "smart.")
I know we could technically do without you,
we choose not to.

We need to be reachable in ministry.
My husband uses his every day in ministry,
I use mine every day in mundane.
I play games every day with my sister.
I check Twitter regularly,
Facebook, not so much.
I Google everything.
At all times.
I want to know for sure,
settle the argument, answer the question.

But still, that bill comes around and I cringe.
When not thinking about the bill, I remember how thankful I am for you.

File this under silly and unnecessary poetry, if you must.
It is silly and unnecessary.
I celebrate silly and unnecessary,
I celebrate not so silly and unnecessary.
I celebrate staying close despite distance.
Finding answers, pinning the beautiful, learning,
hearing books, experiencing lovely melodies,
having light in dark places.
Capturing moments otherwise uncapturable.
Toting my Bible in my pocket.

For all of these things, I'm grateful.

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