
Friday, October 5, 2012

Unnecessary Necessities

The great thing about picking a broad topic is it’s so broad.  And, of course, that same thing is what can be a bit daunting about it.

Kind of like my speech class.  (Rabbit Trail: Just to update you, I’ve been plodding along for the last couple of years pursuing higher learning.  Which in many ways often feels like a trivial pursuit…seriously.)  I have the absolute best teacher.  She’s hilarious.  We are probably in the same general age bracket as she frequently makes 80’s references.   Real 80’s references, not like these kids born in the 90s who think they know 80’s stuff.   Example, first night of class she said not to shut the door because if someone knocks, it would be beyond her ability not to yell at them “that’s not the secret knock” and force them to do the “truffle shuffle.”  All right, I’ll explain.  Goonies.

But anyhoo, back to the speech class.  We had to give our first informational speech, and there were no parameters on the topic.  None.  (Just using a math term though gives me hives. Itch, itch.) 

So for your reading pleasure, here’s a couple of the more remarkable topics.  (Note, some are remarkable for their…um, nevermind.)

There were the safe topics: taxes (very helpful), the electoral college process (really nice powerpoint), competitive horse riding, fire prevention, etc.
                                                                                                                                          There were the DIY topics:  how to can extra food from your CSA (excellent props), how to make your own pasta, and how to toilet train your cat.  Mine I guess would fall into the DIY category, it was “How to Get a Speeding Ticket.”

There were the topics I can’t remember.

There was the very odd topic from a pre-med student.  He decided to fill us all in on erectile dysfunction.  (And, yes, of course my speech followed his.)

And finally there were the brilliant speeches.  Just pure delightfulness, witty, fun, a bit snarky from two cutie pies:  one on the history of beards (excellent powerpoint) and the last one of the night about the perils of using public restrooms.  Hilarious.  I wish I had them to share with you!

Back to topics, I’m not sure if this really fits in with ours or not, but hey it’s a post!

I’m off to watch The Office.  (Which will definitely make my list later in the month.  Farewell season..sigh.)


For more Unnecessary Necessities, check out:

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