Sunday, April 22, 2012
Photography 101
I don’t think I’ve officially told y’all this, but I finally got my DSLR!!! We had an unexpected tax refund come just before Christmas. Merry Christmas to me!
I got this baby. And I LUUUUUUUV it! I think she needs a name. Am I right? She’s a beaut.
Meanwhile, I’ve been doing online tutorials, classes, everything I can do to finally start shooting in manual.
I’ve been watching Creative Live, even before I got my baby. I was determined to learn. They do FREE live online classes. There’s a catch. You have to watch while the class is live. But still. FREE! If you decide to buy any class from them, I recommend The Fundamentals of Digital Photography. It’s a 20 hour course, and covers everything you need to know to get started. Bambi Cantrell’s Posing and Sue Bryce’s Glamour are two that are on my wish list. And the Fast Start class for my camera model. I love Create Live. I’ve learned so much because of what they’re doing.
I’m still a complete beginner, but I’m sharing good sources of info I’ve found.
My next mission is to memorize the aperture and shutter speed settings. I found this handy printable.
Speaking of exposure, there are several pins on pinterest that I’m printing off to put in my camera bag. This is the Manual Photography Cheat Sheet. It’s so colorful and pretty.
I’m currently watching an Introduction to Studio Lighting. I’m thinking I want to lean more to portrait photography.
I’ll try to keep y’all updated, when I come across some new way to learn.
In the mean time, look. A flower!
What are you learning lately? Are you enjoying it?