I love dressing up. Dressing myself, my kids, my man (when he plays along.)
Here is my costume this year. Inspired by the lovely Leslie Knope.
I'm currently searching for any and all past costume-y photos.
Here are a few of Halloweens past. Going back in time.
Last year: (I really hope he was trying to make an ogre face.)

I think I skipped a year when we were in Tennessee.
The year before that, I wore this.
The year before that:
And the year before that:
See what I mean?
Here's my kiddos from last year.
(I can't find one of my daughter. She was a nurse.)
We recycled the shark attack costume again this year. It still fit and, I mean, really. It's just awesome.
I did find this pic of Livy as a cheetah.
We've had block partys at camp (the 70's hippie pic is from one of them. I reused that costume for halloween.) They are always more fun when you dress up.
This is what I wore for a Yee-Haw fundraiser.
Here's hubs from our very first trunk or treat. (Same year I did the Alien van.)
And the year after that, he was a Jonas Brother, but I can't find a pic. (Pam, do you have one?)
This is us at the very first camp block party. It was 80's night.
Big 80s Hair falls for Mr. T.
Ok. I've made the case that I LOVE to costume myself and others around me.
Who's with me?
I know that Pam has pulled off some fabulous costumes, but that's a post she'll have to write. Maybe after her Trunk or Treat this weekend? *hopefully bats eyelashes*
Happy Halloween, everyone!
Click below for the 31 days series.
That shark costume is fantastic! Totally agree that it had to be reused.
Also love the 80's costumes. One of my friends had a huge 80's party a while back. It was a BLAST.
Can I brag here a little and tell you that I made that shark? Well, I'm going to, or just did, or ... something. :)
oh my word. Love the Leslie Knope reference! I want us to go as Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson next year =)
I'm seriously thinking of writing in Leslie for president. ;)
I can't find any pics of the JoBro's that year :(. They were awesome with their entire stage/performance. We had a hard time getting the little girls to move to other trunks when there was a live concert going on!
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