
Sunday, January 23, 2011

My favorite room ever, even if it doesn’t exist

I was wandering around the interweb this morning and came across some photos.  It got me thinking. 

Y’all know about my love of books, right?  Well this started it all.biblio1

Look at that.  Being surrounded by books.  Oh.  My.  Bliss. 

Then I saw these.




Then I got to thinking about what my dream library would look like.  A wall of bookshelves like this.


With a sofa like this.


Then I remembered polyvore.  You can put together any kind of set.  Outfits, rooms, anything. 

So I did. 

This would be my dream library. 

Dream Library

Except there would be many, many more bookshelves.
Which would be your favorite room?  How would it look? 
If you set it up, or have it for reals, leave me a comment <pretty please>. 
And if you have a link, that too, please?  I’d love to stalk take a look at your favorite places.
your true blue looky loo,